Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Most Vital Thing at School

This morning, like any other Tuesday this school year, I drove to the Grand Forks Air Force Base to spend my day with the teachers and students of Nathan Twining School.  I have had the privilege of working with this staff this year.  Sure, it’s a bit of a drive from my south Grand Forks home, but I find the drive to and on base enjoyable.  Today, I was greeted at the main gate by a young officer and reflected on my experiences every Tuesday morning.

Every Tuesday, whether it is 40 degrees and sunny or 40 below and windy, an officer comes to my car window and greets me as I enter the Base.  Every Tuesday, I am called Ms. Erickson and told to have a wonderful day.  Every Tuesday, I am wished a “Good Morning”.  Every Tuesday, I am given a heart-warming smile and feel valued.  Every Tuesday, I proceed to school with a smile on my face as well.

This is no accident!  I am given personalized treatment each and every Tuesday.  Everyone who enters the Grand Forks Air Force Base is given the same personalized greeting and time.  It is expected, it is protocol, it is a sign of respect, a polished practice for safety and security.

Consequently, I feel welcome and safe as I drive onto base, for which I am grateful.  Today, I thought about this feeling.  I couldn’t help but think of our students.  Do they feel grateful, safe, greeted by name, valued, or welcome?  Is there a personalized treatment for them and their learning?

All relationships are defined by how we communicate with people, consciously and subconsciously, verbally and non-verbally.  We win or lose relationships with students and colleagues by the way we treat them, intentionally or unintentionally.  I personally feel that the most vital things at school are:  “Relationships.”  My guess is any corporate CEO would echo that same sentiment.

Over the past four months, I have had the privilege to visit some schools that have focused on making the school experience personalized for learners.  The one common thread in all three of these locations has been relationships.  I have been most impressed by teachers that have put personal agendas and doubts aside to create amazing teams focused on student needs.  I am moved by the way they articulate trust and respect for their colleagues and how they treat their students.  It was moving to see how students treat each other and the staff.  The buildings had a tone of mindfulness, respect for others and welcoming.  Much like the tone set at the main gate every Tuesday.

As we explore ways to personalize learning for our students, recognize individuality and uniqueness, encourage young people to follow their hearts and passions and to choose a course of study that empowers and excites them, and move toward thinking innovatively in the way we provide education, let’s not forget at the center of it all are the soft skills and people skills – the relationships.

As we enter our last month of school, let’s set the groundwork for personalized learning and building positive and trusting working relationships for next year.  Take time to make the investment to see what other people do, celebrate their gifts, empathize with their struggles, take a different lens and set your own aside, embrace the big picture and WIN relationships.

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