Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Reflections on Learning

Wow!  What an awesome collaborative learning opportunity!  I left our professional development day exhausted, thankful, and energized all at the same time!  I appreciate the energy George Couros brought to his two days with us!

Both Thursday and Friday were affirmation that relationships, collaborative teams, putting learners first, and giving learners voice, choice, and opportunities to lead will be a WIN - every single time!

I saw so many smiles, tears and laughter as we learned and shared together Friday.  There was a vibe to the day that could be felt – an energy and excitement about what we can do for learners.  Learners embracing choice, voice and innovator's mindset.

Please know, that when I say learners I mean the children and the adults that work together every single day.  Everyone is important!  Everyone is a learner!  Everyone is a teacher!  Everyone should be given the opportunity to learn in ways that work best for them and have some voice and choice in their learning.

I was humbled, (to tears), by my former students as they taught teachers about Mystery Skype and Genius Hour.  They spoke so well, shared their knowledge, passions, and growth, and said more than I could ever say about the power of learning experiences that give them voice, choice, collaborative experiences and the freedom to have some fun.  Simply said, they ROCKED it!

Amazing!  I am privileged to work with children that will change our world, colleagues that are eager to assist them in this pursuit, and a team and learning partners above no other. 

As a final reflection, I have revisited my dusty blog.  It has had a facelift, been given a new name, and I will be posting again!  I look forward to building more collaborative relationships and supporting teachers and students as they learn and teach each other.

Together we can!  Change is contagious, a little unnerving, and so energizing!  Let's be the change we want to see in our world!

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