Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Good Read

 Do you believe that an essential role of schooling is to prepare students to be successful in today's world?  Then Heidi Hayes Jacobs has written a must-read book that makes a powerful case for why and how schools must overhaul, update, and breathe new life into the K–12 curriculum. This world-renowned curriculum designer explains:

  • Why K–12 curriculum has to change to reflect new technologies and a globalized world.
  • What to keep, what to cut, and what to create to reflect 21st century learning skills.
  • Where portfolios and new kinds of assessments fit into accountability mandates.
  • How to improve your use of time and space and groupings of students and staff.
  • What steps to take to help students gain a global perspective and develop the habits of mind they need to succeed in school, work, and life.
  • How to re-engineer schools and teaching to engage and improve students' media literacy.

Take the opportunity to pick up a book that will provide breakthrough ideas for educating a generation that you've been charged to nurture.

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